Sunday 21 October 2012

X-Factor Contestant finds Birth Mother.

For those of us that are watching the X-factor, will probably remember this young lad, David Correy who during his first audition, revealed that he is singing for his birth mother that put him up for adoption 25yrs ago and he hoped the show would reunite him with her.
David even tweeted: 'Singin' my heart out everyday until my birth mother hears my voice & we re-unite.'

Well Good news is that David has found his birth mother after she saw baby pictures of him on the show and recognised him as the son she put up for adoption those many years ago.

 A woman called Luciene Lima in Brazil saw his baby pictures during a segment and had a 'gut feeling' he was her son.
She then went through the Brazilian courts to trace the adoption and because she did not know how to contact Correy, enlisted the help of the local media.
It is believed that a Brazilian newspaper managed to track down Correy, who was brought up by adoptive parents in Annapolis, Maryland, and give him the news.
Although no DNA tests have been done, 'everything else matches', including the birth certificate, the orphanage Correy came from and the timeline. 
Luciene gave Correy up when she gave birth to him at the age of 14 years. According to the singer's biography on Facebook: 'Born in Brazil, David came to America in his infancy after immense poverty forced his birth mother to put him up for adoption.'


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