Friday 5 October 2012

Nigerian Cheating Doctor in the UK kills himself after double life is revealed.

 A Nigerian born GP Dr Festus Ojagbemi a.k.a "Wally" who lived a double life for seven years dating two women hanged himself when his secret was revealed.
Dr Festus who had a surgery in Stood Kent lived with his long-term partner Jackie Hammond during the week and with his lover Bamidele Ayeni on weekends who he has a kid with. He had promised to marry them both while piling on thousands of pounds in debt taking them on holidays.

 When his secret was discovered by Miss Hammond, he stabbed himself twice in the chest but survived that attempt on his life. While recovering, he told the police and the two women that he was attacked by a stranger. He eventually fessed up to the police but only to take his own life four days later on February 12.
He was later found by Miss Hammond at the home they shared in Hempstead, Kent with a note signed with his nickname "Wally" on the tv cabinet where he was found.
The cost of leading the double life emerged after his death when Miss Hammond said a credit card firm phoned after he died, claiming he owed them £10,000.
She said: ‘I started phoning and everyone told me how much he owed them. By the time we got to the 10th or 11th, the bill was huge. We just couldn’t get our heads around it.

‘I work, I get paid, so we don’t talk about finances. If we go on holiday he would be the one that pays.’
The couple had planned their wedding for this May after almost 20 years together.
Miss Hammond said he killed himself because he felt guilty after the double life was uncovered, adding: ‘He just wanted me to notice he was hurting because of what he had done to me.’

Miss Ayeni did not appear at the inquest but the hearing was told of evidence she gave to police. She claimed Dr Ojagbemi proposed last October and that they were planning a wedding in April.
They had a child, he rented a flat for them, visited on weekends and they would talk six or seven times a day, she said.

Miss Ayeni said she knew about the other partner, but he told her he ‘did not love her any more’. She told officers: ‘I would call him “baby” because he was my baby. I would also call him my "husband".
 He’s intelligent, loving, caring, he buys me lots of things. Why would he do this to himself? Wally told me not to give anyone the news that we were getting married in April because everyone would go on about it.’
The court heard how the doctor, who also had two other children to two other women, had been off sick from work since December 2011, suffering from high blood pressure and vertigo.
The inquest was also told he had called Miss Ayeni on the day he died to tell her he loved her - and even discussed a wedding photographer with Miss Hammond on the morning he killed himself.
This actually happened since February this year. Old news but heyyy!!


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