Wednesday 26 September 2012

BLIMEY!! Look at Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga has been in the spotlight since her weight gain. She's come under scrutiny recently after appearing to balloon in weight compared to her usual slender self.
But now Lady Gaga has found one effective way to hit back at her critics - by posing in just her underwear to completely flaunt her physique.
She posted up four images on her blog on Tuesday. Photos when you continue.

The 26-year-old pop superstar wrote: "My boyfriend prefers me curvier. When I eat I am healthy and not so worried about my looks, I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been.
I am not going to go on a psycho-spree because of scrutiny. This is who I am. And I am proud at any size."
The singer's public response comes after a series of unflattering photographs made the singer look much curvier than usual while performing on her tour this week, with claims that she had 'piled on the pounds.'
Seemingly appalled, the recovering bulimic, who has admitted to gaining nearly 25lbs, took to social media to launch a sub-section of her site, called Body Revolution.  


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